Colorado Commission approves over $1.5m in problem gambling grants

Updated:2024-03-20 10:15    Views:54

In its most recent meeting, the first distribution of the Responsible Gaming Grant totalling $1,571,965 was awarded by the Commission.

The Commission has allocated a significant grant to fund projects directly associated with problem gambling, addiction treatment, educational programs, counselling and research.

In total, five project awards were given to three organisations, the Kindbridge Research Institute, the Massachusetts Council on Gaming and Health and the Problem Gambling Coalition of Colorado.

Commission Chair Richard Nathan said: "We would be ignoring the obvious if we did not accept that the largely positive experience of gaming in Colorado does not,Casino games amongst its participants, have some who are negatively impacted by their participation.

“The legislature has recognised, and our Commission prioritised, public education and treatment options, including training certified counsellors to help individuals and families.

“Our actions this month are just the beginning of our efforts to recognise that there is such a thing as problem gaming and to address mitigating its negative impact.”

The projects will include gambling counsellor training, a social marketing campaign and a new problem gambling centre to be established in Colorado.

The funding will be approved for one year and the grant recipients must present their findings to the Commission at the end of the grant period.

Peggy Brown, from the Problem Gambling Coalition of Colorado, a recipient organisation of three funding awards, said: “The Problem Gambling Coalition of Colorado is excited to be a recipient of funding provided by the Responsible Gaming Grants awarded by the Division of Gaming and the Colorado Gaming Commission.

“We look forward to continued input and support from both the Division and Commission during grant implementation.”


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