The KSA fines LCS Limited €2.1m for operating without a licence

Updated:2024-03-21 14:04    Views:99

The Kansspelautoriteit, the Dutch Gaming Authority (KSA), has fined LCS Limited €2.1m ($2.2m) for operating in the Netherlands without a licence.

Players in the Netherlands were able to access its website,, despite being warned previously about the infraction.

This is an infringement of the Gambling Act, which states that the website must have the necessary licence to offer games of chance to players in the Netherlands.

The licence will require operators to adhere to strict rules and regulations that ensure safe and legal games offered to players, which are fair to play and supported by responsible gaming messaging.

An initial penalty payment of €165,000 was ordered to be paid back in August 2022, following an investigation that started in March of that year.

René Jansen,Casino games KSA Chairman of the Board, said: "An order under penalty payment is often a very effective method to stop illegal supply immediately.

“However, illegal providers who then go black should not think that they have 'bought off' their illegal activities: the previously committed violations can also be punished.

“In addition, we will continue to carry out rechecks to check whether the supply has actually ceased and will continue to exist."

The fine amount is based on the 8% estimated turnover amount from the operations in the Netherlands, which totals €25.9m.

As such, the fine given to LSC will be €2.1m, which the KSA deems appropriate in the circumstances of the case.


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